There are 20 episodes currently scheduled for the third
production season, counting the longer episodes as multiple episodes.
("Stuff'll Kill Ya", for example, is episode 11 of the season.)
Episode numbers refer to the production
order, which is also the order they air outside of the USA. (In the USA,
the order in which the episodes first aired is listed if different from the
production order - after that, Nickelodeon tends to repeat the episodes in
no particular sequence.)
Episodes 41, 42, 43 - Foutleys On Ice
Written by Emily Kapnek
Directed by Michael Dædalus Kenny, Anthony Bell, Joseph Scott
Storyboards by: Curtis Cim, Jeffrey Hua, Tron Mai, Max Martinez, Darren McGowan,
Eric Molinsky, Sean Pendergrass, Gabi Payn, Monica Tomova, Rossen Varbanov
Additional Storyboards by: Rudi Berden, Bob Fuecks, Frank Jen
Closing tag: (Noelle) I'm really angry! (Carl) Is she the greatest, or
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Darren, Courtney, Miranda,
Mipsy, Carl, Hoodsey, Noelle, Blake, Brandon, Lois, Darren's father, Darren's
mother, Winston, Ms. Zorski, Dwayne
Additional Voices:
- Thea - Joey Lauren Adams
- Fred - Toran Caudell
- Punk kid - Kenny Blank
- Turtle eater - John Kassir
- Space Cannibal (in the movie) - Tress MacNeille
- Hysterical citizen (in the movie) - Jeannie Elias
- Silver-haired woman (in line to see the list of
finalists?) - Laraine Newman
- Cheese attendant - Eryk Casemiro
- Bus driver - Wes Parnell
- Radio voice, train conductor - Chris Parnell
- Hip art student - Lauren Tom
Ginger gets invited to attend an arts academy,
although it wasn't entirely based on talent; Carl, Hoodsey, and Noelle plan to
attend a "Weird Human Winterfest" when Carl discovers Noelle can move things
with her thoughts
- For some reason, Nickelodeon refers to this story
as "Far From Home", even in the commercials for the repeat showings
they aired in the middle (and at the end) of the first airing, and on the
DVD. (The title "Foutleys On Ice" doesn't even appear in the DVD
version of the episode.)
The finalists for the Weird Human Winterfest: bilge drinker; chicken boy;
Pete; mole butt (Blake); turtle bater; torpito Guito; flying Nansen; untamed
showhorn; Bela; Zotar; heavy metal weasel; great Olga; human scowler;
Ignatz; stealth; the Malaprops; Dixie, whistling; Jupiter splits; Tom;
"nitro" Zev; vaude villain (not to be confsued with "vaudevillian"); mean
Dean; telekinetic girl (Noelle); non bather; the Belgian brain; Ms.
Flibbertiggibit; man child; Lampy
- Ginger calls
Dodie "my best friend" right in front of Macie - and Dodie does the same
- You don't get "carded" (have your ID
checked) for a PG-13 movie, as it's just a parental advisory. (Well,
you might have it checked if you claim to be younger than 13 to get a
children's discount, but most kids that age don't carry an ID that says how
old they are.)
- On the way to Miranda's party,
Ginger calls her school a "middle school".
- Why
would a self-described "science geek" (in "Next Question") like Ginger want
to attend an "arts school", anyway?
- Thea was
wearing her wig even when Ginger wasn't around, and nobody said anything.
Was she "in disguise" ever since she came to the school - and if so, why?
Speaking of "why", why would Mipsy keep a copy of all of
the "Operation Transfer Girl" notes, especially somewhere where Courtney
might find them?
- Carl locked himself in the
doghouse - how did he do it, and how did he expect to get back out?
What caused the ice to crack where Carl was standing,
Question: if Ginger was the only one from Sheltered
Shrubs to be at Avalanche Arts, then what was Fred doing in the audience in
"I Spy a Witch"?
Lyrics to Ginger's song at the end
All this time it was you
I didn't think that it could be true
You were right there from the start
And what might be the strangest part
Is while I sure enjoyed the view
Of seeing everything brand new
It's still you
It sounds like she says just "still you", but the
closed captions say "it's still you"
All this time I was home
I didn't know just how far I'd roam
Winter brings all this snow
Blinding, it covers everything you know
But when the sun comes shining through
And the sky returns to blue
I will rush to take my cue and find you
(For those of you who have only seen the version with "reduced" credits,
there are no lyrics over the closing credits)
Episode 44 - Wicked Game
Written by Emily Kapnek
Directed by Ron Noble
Storyboards by: Rubi Berden, Jeffrey Hua, Darin McGowan
Closing tag: (Courtney) "Why do they make children's aspirin so very
difficult for the small children to open?"
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Darren, Courtney, Miranda,
Mipsy, Carl, Hoodsey, Noelle, Polly, Blake, Ms. Zorski
Additional Voices:
- Radio voice (at beginning), student - Rino Romano
- Fred - Toran Caudell
- Iris - Jeannie Elias
Dodie and Macie (who are tired of Darren
getting in the way of them and Ginger) team up with Miranda, and Mipsy (who
can't get close enough to Ginger for a put-down) to try to break Ginger and
Darren up; Noelle learns two lessons of gambling ("never bet anything you
can't afford to lose" and "there's no such thing as a sure thing; that's why
they call it gambling") when she loses Carl for a weekend to another girl in a
card game
- It's not entirely clear if Miranda really wants to
get back together with Darren, or it's all part of the plot to separate
Ginger and Darren.
- The way the two stories
(Ginger's and Carl's)
ended, I for one was expecting a "To Be Continued" message at the end, as if
this was the first half of an hour-long episode.
Episode 45 - The Easter Ham
Written by Eryk Casemiro
Directed by Dean Criswell
Storyboards by: Max Martinez, Sean Pendergrass, Monica Tomova
Closing tag: (Joann) "Robert Joseph, are you burning toast?"
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Darren, Courtney, Miranda,
Lois, Joann, Dr. Dave, Carl, Hoodsey, Brandon (note that the monkey was not
Additional Voices:
- Old lady (one of Carl's "customers") - Jeannie Elias
- Lucinda (soap opera character) - Grey Delisle
- Dirk (soap opera character), boy at party - Jason
When Joann has to go to the hospital after
fighting with Lois over the last ham at the supermarket, she forbids Dodie and
Hoodsey from being friends with Ginger and Carl, so Ginger has to decide
whether or not to throw Darren's birthday party without her; Carl, Hoodsey,
and Brandon go into business selling Easter baskets with months-old candy
- Ginger is serving ham at the party, despite the fact
that she considers herself Jewish.
- Just before
Joann collapses, she feels pain in her right arm; in fact, one of the
"classic" symptoms of a heart attack is feeling pain in your left
- Nickelodeon - the network where you can't
show people smoking cigarettes, but you can have 12-year-olds using the word
- The last customer Carl mentions is
named Bouvier; coincidentally (or is it?), that's Patty and Selma's last
name (and Marge's, before she changed it to Simpson when she got married) on
The Simpsons, which was originally done in part by Klasky-Csupo (and
has Tress MacNeille (the voice of Hoodsey) in minor roles, including
Principal Skinner's mother, in just about every episode).
When this episode first aired in the USA, Frankie Muniz
was co-hosting the TeeNICK segments that aired that night; Jason Marsden
(who did two voices in this episode) replaced Frankie as the voice of
Chester on The Fairly Oddparents.
Episode 46 - About Face
Written by Emily Kapnek
Directed by Anthony Bell
Storyboards by: John Eddings, Frank Jen, Pablo Solis
Additional Storyboards by: Tron Mai
Closing tag: (Joann) "And that was dope!"
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Darren, Courtney, Miranda,
Mipsy, Lois, Joann, Dave (Dodie's father) Dr. Dave, Dr. Dave's Mother, Carl, Hoodsey, Blake, Noelle
Additional Voices:
- Nurse Betty - Jeannie Elias
- Jeweler - Dan Castellaneta
- Diva (one of the popular girls) - Kath Soucie
Dr. Dave wants to propose to Lois, but two
things stand in the way; his mother's approval, and the fact that the
engagement ring is stuck on Carl's finger; Joann becomes a teacher at Lucky
Junior High, only to start hanging out with the popular girls in an attempt to
become the popular girl she tried to be when she was that age - and when Dodie
suddenly realizes something very familiar about the way Joann is acting, maybe
being popular isn't as important as she once thought; Blake shows Noelle a
photo of Carl and Polly (from "Wicked Game") and mentions that Carl has an
engagement ring
- If Dr. Dave's mother's voice sounds familiar:
Patti Deutsch is probably best known for (a) 1970s game shows like Match
Game (although GSN doesn't show these as often as they used to), and (b)
the voice of Norbert's computer on The Angry Beavers.
- "Is Dave his first name or his last name?"
Both - it's Dr. David Dave.
- Speaking of people with the same first and
last name, Joann calls Principal Milty "Milton", although that may just be an
assumption on her part.
- Joann calls Dodie "Deirdre Hortense", but she
put "Dodie" on her lunch bag. (It's possible that Dave - not Dr. Dave,
but Dave Bishop - wrote the names on the lunches, as he calls his kids "Dodie"
and "Robert", but why would be put "Josie"?)
- Yes, Dr. Dave and Dodie's father have the
first name Dave. Most TV series do not give characters the same first
name, except as a joke (example: the two Darryls in Newhart), as it
leads to confusion.
- The Lucky Junior High Yearbook is from 1980 -
but that means Joann isn't quite in her 40s (at least until 2006), despite
what Courtney claims. Wait a minute...I'm four years
older than Dodie's mother?
- Speaking of Lucky, Dave called it a middle
- Lonnie is no longer part of Courtney's "inner
circle". Also, one of those girls looked like Latitia from "New Girl In
Town", but her name wasn't mentioned, unless she goes by a nickname (the girls
are Courtney, Miranda, Mipsy, Missy, Mindy, Tracey, Stacy, Casey (K.C.? -
Casey is usually a boy's name), Donna, Diva, Dinah, and Hope; the one that
sounds most like a nickname is Diva, but Diva was the girl who spoke in Ginger's bedroom).
- Dodie still has her "Popular In Peach" nail polish
from "Ginger the Juvey".
- Josie MacDonald looks like a blonde version of Margo Sherman
from The Critic.
- The show's closing, with the song "Diamonds
are Expensive", is based on the James Bond film Diamonds are Forever.
Episodes 47, 48 - Butterflies Are Free / No Turning Back
This episode was originally called "Butterflies Are
Free", but the version shown on Nickelodeon (USA) was retitled "No Turning Back"
Written by Eryk Casemiro & Emily Kapnek
Directed by Michael Dædalus Kenny, Ron Noble
Storyboards by: Rudi Berden, Jennifer Coyle, Jeffrey Hua, Frank Jen, Tron Mai,
Darin McGowan, Eric Molinsky, Joseph Scott
Closing tag: (Mr. Minor) "Fantastic! I hope to see you next year!"
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Darren, Courtney, Miranda,
Lois, Dr. Dave, Jonas, Claire, Ms. Zorski, Mr. Hepper, Carl, Hoodsey, Blake,
Brandon, Noelle, Polly
Additional Voices:
- Andrew (Macie's boyfriend) - Laraine Newman
- Pep Squad members - Melissa Disney, Aspen Miller,
Suzanne Kent*
- Stephany (one of the two girls who threw Courtney into
a locker) - Jeannie Elias
- Bethany (the other one) - Kath Soucie
- Student Council members - Jackie Harris, Grey Delisle
- Mrs. Jackson (school secretary) - Tress MacNeille
- News reporter (at Courtney's reappearance) -
Elizabeth Halpern
- Coach Candace (pep squad coach) - Nora Dunn
- Principal Ericson, Mr. Puttnam (teacher leading
Ginger's group) - Michael Beattie
I don't think Mr. Puttnam had any lines in the
- Mr. Guardino (football coach?) - David Jeremiah
- Mr. Minor (band teacher), football quarterback - Cutter
- Police Officer (talking to Claire) - Andre Ware
- Leandra - Leandra Argyos
- Football player (I think it's the one who says "my
nose!" during the practice) - Kenny Blank*
*Actually, Kenny Blank was credited as a pep squad member and Suzanne Kent
as a football player, but something tells me these are switched
Also, that sounds like John Kassir as Winston when he's crying during the
ceremony, but he's not credited; it could be taken from a different episode
(for example, "Dare I, Darren?" or "Trouble In Gal Pal Land")
Ginger and her friends are
graduating from junior high school and about to enter high school, but Ginger
is having trouble writing a speech for the event, especially as it seems as if
she and her friends are being pulled apart; a high school student has his eye
(his one good eye) on Macie; Carl, Blake, and Brandon put their prized
possessions (the petrified eyeball, Blake's tonsils, and one of Mr. Licorice's
teeth) into a time capsule, only to discover that Polly tricked them into it
- In the USA, all commercial references to this episode,
as well as its TV listings, called this episode "No Turning Back".
When it aired on Nickelodeon for the first time, in June, 2004, the opening
credits said
"Butterflies Are Free"; however, when it aired two months later, the credits were changed to "No Turning Back". (By the way, Butterflies are Free is also
the name of an Academy Award-winning movie, so I am surprised it's also the
title of an episode, considering the problems with And Then She Was Gone.)
("How did they change the title after the show was completed?" One way
they could do it: the scene with the title on it is animated without the
title as well, so the title can be shown in another language in countries
where they don't speak English, and they could just put "No Turning Back"
over that version and replace the scene where the old title appeared.)
- Just like at Lucky Junior High School, Lucky
High School requires a B average to participate in after-school activities
(sports, band, cheerleading, etc.). It's hard enough in junior high
school, but in high school, it's bordering on impossible to get enough kids to
be able to do that. (For those of you outside of the USA, see the
"Questions & Notes" page for information on what they mean by a "B
average"; the short answer is, "on a 0-100 scale, you have to average
an 80".)
- The music Mr. Hepper is playing is by Charlie
Parker, also known as "Bird".
- Hope was seen in the same orientation group as
Ginger, but the Fs (Foutley) and the Rs (Rogers) were in different groups.
- Andrew's instrument sounds like a bass
clarinet, but no bass clarinet I've ever seen is made of metal; he's playing
some sort of saxophone (although it is shaped like a bass clarinet).
- How did Andrew open the locker that Courtney
was in without knowing the combination?
- Hoodsey said he was putting his favorite
sweatshirt, "the purple one with the hood," into the time capsule, but he has
more than one; in fact, he's wearing one while he puts another one into the capsule.
- "In my day," you got to select which period
(and which teacher) you got to take each of your classes in high school.
(A number of people have since told me that "in their day", it works the way
it does on the show.)
- Dodie is hit in the nose by a football in
Ginger's dream; most likely, this is a reference to an episode of The Brady
Bunch (and possibly one of the Brady Bunch movies as well), where it
happens to Marcia.
- It looks like Mipsy's injury in "About Face" is more
serious than first thought; at the graduation, she is wearing an
- How big is Lucky Junior High? There were only
fifty chairs for the graduating students. (Then again, a drop in class
sizes would explain why sixth graders now attend there rather than the
elementary school.)
- Pardon me for being really nitpicky, but I
don't think any state allows in-uniform high school football practice in the
spring. (For the record, high school football players aren't allowed to
wear 00 either.)
- Speaking of nitpicky, the principal's name is spelled
Ericson in the credits, but Erickson in the credits to "The Right Stuff".
- According to the scoreboard, Lucky lost the
last basketball game it played at home 32-0. (Must be that B-average
- Macie's parents showed up; they were seated
behind Claire and Winston. (Prescott Gripling, on the other hand,
appeared to be a no-show, and I didn't notice Officer Killgallen there
Episode 49 - Heat Lightning
First aired 50th in the USA
Written by Eryk Casemiro
Directed by Michael Dædalus Kenny
Storyboards by: Aldin Baroza, Boris Likomanov, Michael Mullen, Joseph Scott
Additional Storyboards by: Dean Criswell, Mark Garcia, Tron Mai, Monika Tomova
Closing tag: (Mrs. Dave) "Oh, so bitter"
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Darren, Courtney, Sasha, Lois,
Dr. Dave, Dr. Dave's Mother, Joann, Carl, Hoodsey, Brandon
Additional Voices:
- Margie (head counselor at Camp Caprice) - Carol
- Jimmy (salesman who sold Carl and Hoodsey the air
conditioner) - Kevin Michael Richardson
- Nancy (one of the girls at camp) - Susan Chesler
- Vanessa (another of the girls) - Cristina Pucelli
Ginger returns to Camp Caprice, this time as a
cabin leader, but she thinks that the reason that she feels that she and
Darren seem to be separating might have something to do with Sasha...who asks
her to meet him while they're at camp; Dr. Dave moves in Lois while his
condominium is being fumigated, which is not a good thing when he realizes he
had made plans for his mother to come over for a few days
- This episode was originally going to be called
"Hurricane Caprice", but somebody felt it was too close to the Rocket Power
story "Hurricane Maurice"; then, it was changed to "Atmospheric Conditions"
before finally being called "Heat Lightning".
- "Who's 'Kenn Michael'?" (credited as the
voice of Darren) That's Kenny
Blank's new "stage name".
- Notice that Ginger's hair is longer, and Macie's is
parted, although it's back to being olive green. (Dodie's is still the
way it was in "Butterflies Are Free".)
- After what happened last year, it's surprising that
Courtney would volunteer to return to Camp Caprice.
- The camp bus has seat belts - is that a common thing
- You never see any "older" girls at the camp, although
it's possible that this session is specifically for younger girls. Also,
it appeared as if the only "cabin leaders" were Ginger, Dodie, Macie, and
- The Foutley phone isn't the kind that you plug into an
electric outlet, so it shouldn't have gone dead when the power went out.
- Sasha mentioned "Melanie"; for those of you who didn't
see "Summer of Camp Caprice", that's Sasha's little sister (who didn't appear
in this episode for whatever reason), who, if you go by what Sasha says, isn't
particularly happy that Clover is Sasha's girlfriend and Ginger isn't.
Lyrics to the closing credits song
Well, the time has come for us to say goodbye
To the sandy shores of Lake Caprice
And as we go to the places we call home
We hold inside our hearts one tiny piece
Of the spirit...the spirit of Camp Caprice
("Can you feel the spirit")
A spirit full of friendship, love, and peace
(Friendship, love, and peace, y'all)
The spirit...the spirit of Camp Caprice
(Thank you, Camp Caprice)
Where memories never tire in the least
Episode 50 - Fair To Cloudy
First aired 49th in the USA
Written by Kate Boutilier
Directed by Andrei Svislotski
Storyboards by: Aldin Baroza, Mark Garcia, Monica Tomova
Closing tag: (Hoodsey) "I'm scarred! Scarred for life!"
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Darren, Courtney, Lois,
Winston, Carl, Hoodsey
Additional Voices:
- Weaver - Jeannie Elias
- Jake (the carny at the oddities exhibit) - John Kassir
- Raymo - Floyd Van Buskirk
- Farmer Don - David Allen Thomas, Jr.
When Ginger decides to take Darren to her,
Dodie, and Macie's traditional trip to the county fair, Dodie decides to
invite Courtney to join them; Carl frees what he and Hoodsey think is a
two-headed miniature pony
- More evidence that the girls have known each other
since first grade: this is Ginger, Dodie, and Macie's eighth annual county
fair together.
- Macie is wearing a Lucky High School band shirt of some
- Nickelodeon - the network where you can't say "beer"
but you can say "afterbirth"...
Episode 51 - Stuff'll Kill Ya
First aired two years after "Ten Chairs" in the USA
Written by Emily Kapnek
Directed by Mark Risley
Storyboards by: Frank Jen, Tron Mai, Bao Nguyen, Rafael Zentil
Additional Storyboards by: Won Ki Cho, Max Martinez, Michael Mullen
Closing tag: (Brandon) My analyst says you can't rationalize evil
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Lois, Dr. Dave, Joann, Ms.
Zorski, Principal Milty, Winston, Carl, Hoodsey, Blake, Brandon
Additional Voices:
- Miss Zorski (the high school one) - Shawana Kemp
- Mr. Briggs (the junior high science teacher),
shopkeeper (in commercial) - Brian Tochi
- Ginger's other teachers - Susan Krebs, Jerry Houser,
Jackie Harris
- Nurse Betty - Jeannie Elias
- Woman in commercial - Tress MacNeille
- Coffee shop employee - Laraine Newman
- Monique (one of the girls in the bathroom) - Grey
- Karina (the other girl in the bathroom) - Kath Soucie
- Mocho Loco disclaimer voice - David Jeremiah
Ginger is so overwhelmed by high school that
she starts falling asleep in class, but finds a friend in caffeine; Carl's new
science teacher lets Carl think he has contracted a fatal disease
- In the USA, this episode first aired on Nicktoons on
November 14, 2006. The remaining high school episodes were scheduled to
air November 17 and 20-23, but the day after this episode aired, Nicktoons
replaced them on the schedule with older episodes.
- "High School" Zorski's first initial is R, if her
coffee mug is any indication of her name.
- Pretty much everybody in Ginger's class writes
right-handed except for Ginger.
- Mr. Briggs called Hoodsey "R.J."
- May cause bloating, irritability, and dryness of the
mouth. Excessive consumption of the Mocho Loco Frothinator product could
promote nervousness and have a profound laxative effect. Nickelodeon -
the network where you can't say "beer" but you can say "profound laxative
Episodes 52-56
These are the "high school" episodes; from what people have told me, I believe this order is the one in which they are
supposed to be shown (except maybe "Battle of the Bands" and "Ten Chairs" could
be switched) - Season 3 seems to be more of a "teen soap opera" where things
happen in a particular order
However, in the UK, "Dodie's Big Break" aired before "A Lesson In Tightropes",
even though something happened in "Tightropes" that was mentioned in "Break"
Please do not ask when (or even if ) these will air - if it doesn't say
anything on the main page schedule or in the "news" section, then I have no idea
52 - Detention
Written by Adam Cohen
Directed by Ron Noble
Darren wants Ginger to be at his football game, but she has to serve detention
for sleeping in class - so it's a bit of "Deja Who, Part 2" as Ginger gets Dodie
to go to the game dressed as her; Carl and Hoodsey get Blake to finance their
newest endeavor - tea
- Darren says he has "front row center" tickets for the
game, but (a) that's not where Dodie and Macie were sitting, and (b) since
when do high schools sell tickets to specific seats? (Besides, who wants
front row seats at a football game? It's almost impossible to see
- In the overhead shot of the field, there are only 11
lines between the end zones, as if they are 10 yards apart. (This
happens a lot on The Simpsons as well. I think it's because the
overseas animators aren't that familiar with American football.)
- The players aren't wearing mouthpieces, which are
required in all high school and college football games.
- Why would Blake want to take over the company?
Without Carl and Hoodsey involved, how is he going to make the tea?
53 - Kiss Today Goodbye
Written by Kate Boutilier
Directed by John Holmquist
Dodie becomes the cheerleading coach's assistant; one of the cheerleaders has
her eyes on Darren; Macie is considering breaking up with Andrew; Lois and Carl
go looking for a new house
- Lois's kitchen scale is a balance scale (the kind you
put things on two sides to see if they balance), which makes no sense - a
kitchen scale is like a bathroom scale; you put something on it and it tells
you what it weighs.
- In one scene, Simone is humming the show's theme song.
- No, Dodie did not call the Lucky High football team the
Sea Eagles; that's the other team's nickname.
54 - A Lesson In Tightropes
Darren decides to break up with Ginger, which pains her so much (well, not as
much that as her appendix) that she ends up in the hospital; when Ginger's
father visits her, Carl is afraid he'll end up getting between Lois and Dr. Dave
- This was originally going to be titled "What Makes Us
Stronger" (as in "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger").
55 - Dodie's Big Break
Dodie wants to play in a big street hockey game despite having a broken
leg...no, that's "Otto's Big Break" - what is it with the Rocket Power
Dodie becomes a cheerleader - but these titles usually have two meanings, and
"big break" could be something painful...
56 - Battle Of The Bands
Ginger tries to save Lucky's marching band, and ends up in a band of her own ,
which gets involved in a music competition
Episode 57 - Ten Chairs
Written by Eryk Casemiro
Directed by Ron Noble
Storyboards by: Dean Criswell, Frank Jen, Max Martinez
Additional Storyboards by: Aldin Baroza, Rudi Berden, Broni Likomanov
Closing tag: (Hoodsey) "I think there's something wrong with that turkey"
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Lois,
Dr. Dave, Mrs. Dave, Jonas, Dave Bishop, Joann, Carl, Hoodsey (what a
coincidence; they fill the "ten chairs")
Additional Voices:
- Mr. Talbit (turkey farm owner) - Dan Castellaneta
Ginger invites a surprise guest to the Foutley
Thanksgiving: Jonas - which doesn't go over to well with Carl; vegans Carl and
Hoodsey buy a turkey so they can set it free
- This episode doesn't follow continuity as much as the
other Season 3 episodes do, although it takes place when Ginger is in high
school, as Mrs. Dave and Lois did not meet until the Easter just before
Ginger's graduation. (Still, they make it sound as if Ginger and Orion
haven't met yet.) Also, the "For Sale" sign, presumably the same one
shown in "The Wedding Frame" appears.
- Something is out of place...I got it; it's a
Nickelodeon cartoon, and somebody is actually eating turkey on Thanksgiving.
(In the Rugrats, CatDog, Rocko's Modern Life, and The
Wild Thornberrys Thanksgiving specials, they have something other than
real turkey; I think the only other Nicktoon (so far) with a Thanksgiving
episode where there are people actually eating turkey is Hey Arnold!.)
- Carl called Hoodsey a "Wampanoag"; that is the tribe
(actually, "tribes" may be more accurate) that was in Plymouth when the
Mayflower landed. See
- Jonas is introduced to Dave and Joann, but they've
already met - at an earlier Chanukah/Christmas party. (Then again, the
Bishops might have left before they knew who he was.)
- Be safe or be homeless; the turkey fryer was far too
close to the house. (However, they did get one thing right; when you fry
a turkey, always do it outdoors.)
Episodes 58, 59, 60 - The Wedding Frame
Written by Emily Kapnek & Eryk Casemiro
Part 1 Directed by Michael Dædalus Kenny
Part 2 Directed by Ron Noble
Part 3 Directed by Mark Risley & Michael Dædalus Kenny
Storyboards by:
(Part 1) Aldin Baroza, Dean Criswell, Frank Jen, Max Martinez
(Part 2) Mark Garcia, Bao Nguyen, Jeff Scott
(Part 3) Broni Likomanov, Tron Mai, Bao Nguyen, Jeff Scott, Rafael Zentil
Additional Storyboards by:
(Part 1) Rudi Berden, Won Ki Cho, Bao Nguyen, Jeff Scott, Joseph Scott
(Part 3) Pablo Solis
Closing tag: (Ginger) "That was beautiful, Mom"
Cast: Ginger, Dodie, Macie, Darren, Courtney, Miranda,
Orion, Simone, Will, Lois, Joann, Jonas, Dr. Dave, Mrs. Dave, Mrs. Patterson, Buzz, Carl,
Hoodsey, Blake, Brandon, Noelle, Junior, Junior Sr., Rhesus, Archie Chang
(Melissa Disney voiced "adult" Ginger as well)
Additional Voices:
- Nikki LaPorte - Jennifer Coolidge
- Dr. Ron (one of the doctors discussing the bachelor
party) - Christopher John Fields
- Anesthesiologist Al (the other doctor) - Phil
- Buddy Baker (realtor) - Ben Stein
- Mary Ellen (travel agent), Librarian - Valerie Harper
- Camera store clerk - Billie Worley
- Music video singer - Shannon Conley
- Sales clerk (? - it is listed in the Part 1 credits) - Melissa Disney
- Delivery man - Gregory Jbara
- Myrna (bakery store woman) - Estelle Harris
- Minister, Nicholas LaPorte - Dan Castellaneta
- Diane Francis - Grey Delisle
- Voice on the Hawaii video tape - (uncredited)
Someone is trying to frame ("I get it - wedding
frame") Dr. Dave before he marries Lois; Prescott Gripling is arrested,
and the Griplings are forced to move out of Protected Pines; Ginger and Darren
aren't sure where their lives are headed; an old four-legged friend of the
family crashes the wedding
- These episodes were released on DVD before any of the
high school episodes (beginning with "Stuff'll Kill Ya") ever aired in the
USA, so many people who viewed it are probably still wondering who Orion and
Simone are.
- If this episode never airs in the USA, this could be
the reason: when describing what a "manila envelope" is, Mrs. Dave mentions it
is made of hemp...and hemp is cultivated from marijuana plants (the main
reason it is not used in the USA, even though the Declaration of Independence
is written on hemp paper).
- Or this: a pack of "nicotine chewing gum" is shown.
(Nickelodeon is supposed to have a zero-tolerance ban on showing cigarettes or
other tobacco.)
- Blake's middle name is Sophia.
- At the end of Orion's song, the stars of the
constellation Orion can be seen in the sky.
- In one scene, the Foutley phone has three rows of four
buttons. At least it has buttons; Miranda has a dial phone.
- Looks like somebody knew the show was ending; when they
drive by the cemetary, the tombstones say "ATBG RIP".
- There are a few references to past TV series; for
example, Lois says "we're movin' on up", which is in the theme to The
Jeffersons, and Jonas's apartment number is 227 (which, coincidentally,
starred Marla Gibbs, who was Florence the maid on The Jeffersons).
- Omaha has the world's longest yardstick? Er, by
definition, all yardsticks are the same length - exactly 91.44 cm.
- Archie Chang works for Channel 3; its logo makes it
look like it is a Fox network affiliate.
- Lucky High School has at least six floors.
- Courtney says that now that her family is poor, they
have to "eat in", but in "TGIF", Courtney's family "eats in" pretty much every
- Noelle is left-han...er, "left-footed"; she signs the
receipt for the envelope with her left foot.
- Hoodsey blows soap bubbles from a pipe, something Bart
does a few times on The Simpsons.
- Carl and Hoodsey eat Kapnek Krunch cereal (named after
the creator of As Told By Ginger, no doubt).
- No surprise; Carl mentions the service is
"non-demoninational". (For some strange reason, in Nicktoons, the only
two religions seem to be Judaism and "other".)
- It must be tough playing that organ; it has only white
- What was Benny doing there? He was in San
Quentin, which is in California. (Before you say, "Maybe Prescott was
sent to San Quentin as well", San Quentin is limited to non-federal crimes
committed in California.)
- Ginger didn't use her married name on her book.
- Adult Hoodsey has a pinky ring (and a wedding ring on
the next finger); Darren, however, does not have a ring.
- Neither Carl, Hoodsey, nor Macie had a spouse present at the book
reading. (You don't think Macie finally figured out who
"Burl" was in "Piece Of My Heart", do you?)
- "Who's that holding Dodie's daughter?" Dodie's husband
- Chet Zipper. (Remember "Piece Of My Heart"?)
- You can't really tell if Ginger and Darren had a son or
a daughter, although it "kinda sorta" looks more like a girl (and she is
sucking on a pink pacifier). Then again, the child looks a little like
Harold on All Grown Up, doesn't she?
- I didn't recognize everybody at the wedding, but here
is who I did notice:
- Groom's side, row 1: Dr. Fondfeelings; Hope Rogers;
Myrna; Mary Ellen
- Groom's side, row 2: Mr. and Mrs. Higsby and Stuart;
Nurse Betty
- Groom's side, row 3: Buzz and his sons; Nikki
- Groom's side, row 4: Jonas; Mr. Hepper; Principal
Milty; I think that's Crazy Floyd (from "Lunatic Lake") as well; the man on
the far left might be Dr. Randall from "Blizzard Conditions"
- Bride's side, row 1: Orion; Mr. and Mrs. Bishop; Mr.
and Mrs. Lightfoot
- Bride's side, row 2: Simone; Mr. and Mrs. Patterson,
Darren, and Will
- Bride's side, row 3: Claire Gripling, Courtney, and
Blake; Winston; Miranda
- Bride's side, row 4: inmates, including Prescott
Gripling and "San Quentin Benny"
- Ms. Zorski (the junior high school one, playing the organ) and Brandon are in the
- "Who's that on the cover of Ginger's book?"
That's Ginger, as she was drawn in the pilot episode, "The Party". (Click
Here to go to my site's page for the pilot, complete with pictures.)
The book's title also appears in the typeface used for the credits in the
Bonus Pictures
Carl (with hands-free phone
mouthpiece at the ready) and Hoodsey (with pinky ring); Dr. Dave and Lois
are in the background between them |
Macie, Dodie, and Dodie's
daughter |
Chet isn't quite the "proud
father" that Darren is (but then again, Darren's baby didn't just poke him
in the nose) |
Looks like sunflowers are still
Ginger's favorite |
The picture of Ginger, as well
as the typeface of the title, is from the pilot, "The Party" |
Lyrics to "Go Slip Away"
There were days when our woven fingers would sway
Now your hands only push mine away
I won't keep you - go slip away
There were ways; I would try to find one every day
But you couldn't hear what I had to say
I won't keep you - go slip away
That's what you really want
To fade into the grain of my mind
You're racing towards the finish line
I won't keep you
Lyrics to "You Bounced"
How could you go and leave me here
To sink with all the rest
How could you go and leave me behind
Baby, I'm not impressed
I should have known you'd bail on me
Leave me adrift at sea
To sink with all the broken hearts
And share their misery
I'll never forget your misery
No matter how hard I try
I won't forget how many times
You left me here to cry
Just keep going - don't look back
It's easier that way
Forget all that we ever had
I'm just your yesterday
You bounced - You quit
You walked away - That's it
We're over - You split
You walked away - You bounced
That's it
(repeat the last five lines)
Lyrics to "Treasured Love"
We're painting a picture
As we stand side by side
In welcoming a love
Of a groom and of his bride
Committed here forever
Devoted all their days
These two shall form a bond
That shall never fade away
Treasured love - Treasured love