
Don't forget the hyphen!

EUGENE HOROWITZ (and father) 

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Season 1

Season 5

Eugene appears to have two strikes against him.  Not only is he one of the class geeks ("Eugene's Bike", "Rhonda's Glasses"), but he's the school's bad luck magnet; as the saying goes, if it wasn't for bad luck, he would have no luck at all. (However, no matter how bad the accident looks, the first thing you hear is "I'm okay".  Then again, there was the time when he said that, and his next appearance was in a wheelchair.)  As it turns out, most of the things that happen to Eugene are caused by Arnold, but that's another story - actually, two of them ("Eugene's Bike", "Eugene's Pet").  Eugene does have one talent (not counting his talent for having things happen to him): he can make a runny nose trail in the shape of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting.  Eugene seems to hang around Sheena a lot, although he probably considers themselves "just good friends"; he pretty much freaks out when Rhonda tells Sheena they'll be married someday.  Eugene also has a constantly sunny disposition, and has a habit of breaking out into song - which does him some good when he gets the lead in the school musical.

Voices: Christopher J. Castile, Jarrett Lennon, Ben Diskin, Blake Ewing
Christopher J. Castile
Downtown As Fruits
Eugene's Bike
Field Trip
Helga's Makeover
Runaway Float
The Baseball
The Little Pink Book
The Vacant Lot
Jarrett Lennon
Coach Wittenberg
False Alarm
Part Time Friends
World Records
Ben Diskin
Arnold Betrays Iggy (uncredited)
Arnold's Thanksgiving
Best Friends
Cool Party
Curly Snaps
Dangerous Lumber
Deconstructing Arnold
Eugene Goes Bad
Eugene's Birthday
Eugene's Pet
Fishing Trip
Friday the 13th
Grand Prix
Headless Cabbie
Helga's Show
It Girl
Longest Monday
Parents Day (uncredited)
Pre-Teen Scream
Principal Simmons
Rhonda's Glasses
Roller Coaster
School Play
Synchronized Swimming
The Aptitude Test
The Flood
What's Opera, Arnold?
Blake Ewing
April Fool's Day
Eugene, Eugene!
Ghost Bride
Hey Arnold!: The Movie
Stuck In A Tree
Baby Eugene has an uncredited line in "The Journal"


Nate Horowitz

Season 5


Nate Horowitz doesn't seem to have much to do, other than to say "Are you OK?...He's OK!"

Voice: Michael Jeter
Fishing Trip
Eugene's father has an uncredited line in "The Journal"