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Season 1
Billy's one speaking appearance is as a member of the "Dork Parade" (along
with Sheena and Brainy) at the start of "Eugene's Bike". He has an albino worm collection, although every
now and then one finds its way underneath the soles of Helga's shoes...
Voice: Sam Gifaldi
Eugene's Bike
Billy also has a speaking (well, "screaming") role in "Mugged",
but there was no credit given
Season 1
Season 4
Looks like Helga isn't the only one with a secret love |
Brainy sounds like he's Darth Vader in training. (Somebody give him one of those
clear-breathing nose strips or something.) One thing's for sure: when Brainy's around, the force is strong in Helga -
the force of "Old Betsy" (her left fist), that is. Other than that, he's "just another one of the
Voice: Craig Bartlett
24 Hours To Live
A Day In The Life Of A Classroom
April Fool's Day
Arnold & Lila
Arnold's Room
Arnold's Thanksgiving [uncredited]
Cool Jerk [uncredited]
Cool Party [uncredited]
Curly Snaps [uncredited]
Curly's Girl
Downtown As Fruits
Eugene's Bike
Girl Trouble
Hall Monitor
Harold vs. Patty
Haunted Train
Helga And The Nanny
Helga On The Couch
Helga Sleepwalks
Helga's Love Potion
Hey Arnold!: The Movie
Hey Harold!
Love And Cheese
Monkey Business
New Bully On The Block
On The Lam [uncredited]
Operation Ruthless
Phoebe Breaks A Leg
Phoebe's Little Problem
Rhonda's Glasses
School Play [uncredited]
Teachers' Strike [uncredited]
The Aptitude Test
The Vacant Lot
Tutoring Torvald
What's Opera, Arnold?
Wheezin' Ed
World Records
Camp Fire Lass
Season 1
A young girl who speaks with a Scottish accent (although Gerald says it's a phony),
usually found wearing a "Camp Fire Lass" uniform and selling chocolate turtles.
Voice: Francesca Marie Smith
Chocolate Turtles
Curly Snaps [uncredited]
Field Trip
Helga Blabs It All
Stinky Goes Hollywood
Chocolate Boy
Season 4
"Chocolate Boy" is aptly named; if there's chocolate around, it won't be
around for long as long as he's in the area. At least before he gave chocolate up at the end of "Chocolate
Boy" - now do we call him "Radish Boy"?
Voice: Jordan Warkol
Best Friends
Buses, Bikes, and Subways
Chocolate Boy
Eugene's Birthday
Helga's Show
Oskar Can't Read?
Stuck In A Tree
Season 1
Connie is one of the sixth graders, usually seen with Maria. She was Gerald's
"date" at the school dance in "6th Grade Girls".
Voice: Pamela Hayden
6th Grade Girls
Phoebe Skips
Curly (Thaddeus Gammelthorpe)
Season 1
Season 5 |
Curly is the fourth grader "most likely to snap"; he once tried to frame
Eugene for pulling a fire alarm after Eugene borrowed one of his pencils and pretty much wore it down to the nub,
and when Sid was named ball monitor ahead of him, he locked himself and a bag of balls in Principal Wartz's office.
He seems to have a "thing" for Rhonda.
(Curly's last name is spelled "Gammelthorpe" in "Curly's Girl".)
Voices: Adam Wylie, Haley Joel Osment, Steven Hartman,
Michael Welch
Adam Wylie
April Fool's Day
Arnold's Halloween
Cool Party
Curly Snaps
False Alarm
Helga Blabs It All
New Bully on the Block
New Teacher
Principal Simmons
School Play
The Flood
What's Opera, Arnold?
Haley Joel Osment
Deconstructing Arnold
Steven Hartman
Downtown As Fruits
Michael Welch
Curly's Girl
Ghost Bride
Edmund |
Season 2
Edmund hangs around Wolfgang just as Gerald hangs around Arnold or Phoebe hangs
around Helga.
Voice: Tim Wiley
Chocolate Boy
Cool Party
Friday the 13th
Grand Prix
Longest Monday
Sid And Germs
Big Gino |
Season 5
Big Gino is PS118's loan shark.
Suggestion: do not borrow from Big Gino unless you're absolutely
sure you'll be able to pay him back.
(Sorry about the picture - it's hard to get a good one of Gino
without getting the Nick logo in the way...)
Voice: Cameron Van Hoy
Big Gino
Gerald's Game
Season 1
Originally, Gloria was just somebody Helga dreamed up as "the Anti-Helga"
("Magic Show"), but then she becomes a real girl ("Helga's Boyfriend")...and wearing the same
dress as in Helga's dream, too.
Voice: Francesca Marie Smith
Helga's Boyfriend
Magic Show
Iggy |
Season 1
Season 3 |
Iggy is the coolest kid in Arnold's class - at least he was until everybody found
out he wears bunny pajamas (complete with bunny feet that squeak).
In "School Dance", he can be seen playing a snare drum, but it's not
very clear if he's any good at it.
Voices: Joseph Ashton, Sam Gifaldi (?), Tress MacNeille, Justin Shenkarow,
Marcus Toji
Joseph Ashton
Arnold Betrays Iggy
Gerald's Game
Sam Gifaldi (uncredited; unconfirmed)
Tress MacNeille
24 Hours To Live
Justin Shenkarow
Downtown As Fruits
Marcus Toji
Stoop Kid
Iggy's Mother
Voice: Maria Bamford
Arnold Betrays Iggy
Season 1
Joey is in Arnold's class - not much to say besides that (he's the one with
the missing tooth).
Voices: Justin Shenkarow, Michael Fishman
Justin Shenkarow
Field Trip
Michael Fishman
Pigeon Man
Joey also has an uncredited "line" at the end of 24 Hours To
Lila Sawyer |
Season 4
Lila Sawyer (although the one time it's mentioned, in "Eugene, Eugene!",
it's pronounced more like "Soya"; however, enough people have
written in to convince me that "Sawyer" is correct - besides, that's
what the closed captioning says) is one of P.S. 118's "new kids". She's new to "the big
city", having moved with her father from Pleasantville, a farming community. Lila is, as Helga puts
it, "little miss perfect" - she's as smart as Phoebe, as stylish as Rhonda, and the most popular girl
with the boys. At first, the other girls were jealous, but when they learned about her home life, they decided
they could live with it. At least Helga thought she could, until Lila decided that she liked Arnold, and
then Arnold liked her back, although Lila doesn't "like him like him".
Little-known facts: (from "Love And Cheese") Lila can't
swim, and she's allergic to stuffed animals; (from "Eugene,
Eugene!") her favorite musical is "Eugene, Eugene!", and she's a
good, if plain, singer; (from "Timberly Loves Arnold") she gets sick
on roller coasters.
Voice: Ashley Buccille
Arnold & Lila
Arnold Visits Arnie
Big Sis [uncredited]
Dinner for Four
Eugene, Eugene!
Helga's Masquerade
Helga's Parrot
It Girl
Love And Cheese
Ms. Perfect
Phoebe Skips
School Play
Timberly Loves Arnold
Weird Cousin
Lila's Father |
Lila's father moved to the city with Lila. Why they moved was never mentioned,
but since Lila said they're from a farm community and Lila's mother is nowhere to be seen, I can only guess that
Lila's mother died and Lila and her father couldn't manage their farm alone, so they moved to the city so he could
get a job to support them. (But like I said, it's only a guess.) When they first moved, they lived
in a shabby apartment in what can only be described as "the bad part of town", since Lila's father didn't
have a job yet; they lived on beans and "canned meat substitute". Now that he has a job, they
may have been able to move to somewhere better. (They sound like they would fit right in at the Sunset Arms,
except for two words: No Kids.)
Voice: Dan Butler
Ms. Perfect
Lorenzo |
Season 3 |
Lorenzo is another of the new kids in Arnold's class, having transferred from
a private school. Lorenzo is quite rich (do you think the chauffeur-driven limousine gave it away?), but
has very little idea of how to have fun, since all of his free time is filled with things like viola lessons, meetings,
and studying flashcards.
Voice: Victor Cohn-Lopez
Arnold's Room
Rich Kid
Lorenzo's Mother |
Lorenzo's mother appears to be the kind of person who looks out for her son just
a little too much.
Voice: Nika (Frost)
Rich Kid
Ludwig |
Ludwig is in the same grade as Wolfgang, although he's spent the last couple of
years in juvenile hall (before which he "owned" the vacant lot). He and Wolfgang went from being enemies
to friends, united in their efforts to slap the fourth graders around.
Voice: Phillip G. VanDyke
New Bully on the Block
Season 1
Season 4
my VCR must have needed cleaning that day
Maria is one of the sixth graders, usually seen with Connie. She was Arnold's
"date" at the school dance in "6th Grade Girls".
Voice: Mayim Bialik
6th Grade Girls
Phoebe Skips
Maria's Father |
Voice: Michael David Donovan
6th Grade Girls
Season 1
don't act so surprised
Season 1
bad hair day
Season 1
skin day
Season 2
nice 'jams
Season 4
with her parents
Nadine is the fourth-grade nature expert. It shouldn't be too hard to find her during
recess; look for the butterfly net ("Rhonda's Glasses"). Nadine and Rhonda have been best friends since
at least they were four years old, which is a little surprising as one of the last people you would expect to be
one of Rhonda's friends is someone with a pet tarantula ("Best Friends")...
(If you're wondering how I know the couple with Nadine in that
picture are her parents: they're standing next to her in the picture
of the kids and their parents in "Parents' Day".)
Voice: Lauren Robinson
Arnold & Lila
Best Friends
Cool Party
Dinner for Four
Helga's Makeover
Rhonda Goes Broke
Runaway Float
Season 1
Season 3
Park is usually one of those characters that gets only one or two lines per appearance,
but he does have one secret: he runs a "sanctuary" where fourth-graders can be safe from fifth-graders
("Longest Monday").
Voice: Marcus Toji
Cool Jerk
Cool Party
Longest Monday
Stoop Kid
The List
Park also has an uncredited appearance in "Curly's Girl"
Patty Smith |
Season 4
"Big Patty" is Helga's sixth-grade counterpart, right down to the one
thick eyebrow. Most of her "business" is done in a broom closet, although she has been known to
dish out beatings outside after school. Although she has a gruff exterior, she can be polite when she needs
to be. Patty is the city arm wrestling champion (at the end of
"Harold vs. Patty").
Voice: Danielle Judovitz
Harold vs. Patty
Helga vs. Big Patty
Hey Harold!
Ms. Perfect
Polishing Rhonda
Patty's Father |
Voice: Henry Gibson
Polishing Rhonda
Patty's Mother |
Voice: Zelda Rubenstein
Polishing Rhonda
Peapod Kid
Season 1
Season 3
"Who?" Well, this kid first appeared in a peapod costume ("Downtown
As Fruits") and was credited as "Peapod Kid"; in his appearances since then, he's received the same
credit. (He's even called "Peapod Kid" in "Cool Party" and "Rhonda Goes Broke".)
Apparently, his family is about as well-off as Rhonda's. In
"Married", he's not particularly turned off to the fact that Rhonda
predicts he'll be married to Nadine some day.
Voice: Jamil W. Smith
Arnold's Valentine (boy in Miss Slovak's class)
Career Day (snow cone kid)
Cool Party [uncredited]
Curly Snaps [uncredited]
Downtown As Fruits
Hall Monitor (boy stopped by Phoebe)
Rhonda Goes Broke [uncredited]
The Big Scoop (boy reading newspaper)
Season 1
"Who?" Robert is the blonde kid with a green shirt and
glasses. Like Peapod Kid, Robert is usually there "to make up the
numbers". He's never been called by name (and his name never appears
in the credits - the only place his name appears is on the
scoreboard in "Benchwarmer").
Voices: Christopher Castile, Sam
Gifaldi, Justin Shenkarow
Christopher Castile
The Vacant Lot [uncredited]
Sam Gifaldi
Hey Harold! [uncredited]
Justin Shenkarow
Rich Kid [uncredited]
Ruth P. McDougal
Season 1
Just as Helga is in love with Arnold (when she doesn't want to bash his head in),
Arnold has a girl in his life: sixth grader Ruth - who, in turn, doesn't know that Arnold exists...and when
she finally does know about him, and he knows more about her, neither one is particularly interested in the other
that much any more.
By the way, the spelling of her last name (McDougal, and not, say, MacDougal or McDougall) is taken from the credits
for "Arnold's Valentine"; it doesn't appear anywhere else in the show.
Voice: Lacey Chabert
Arnold's Valentine
What's Opera, Arnold?
Voice: Anndi L. McAfee (uncredited; unconfirmed)
Operation Ruthless
Season 1
Season 4
Sheena is "one of the geeks" ("Eugene's Bike", "Rhonda's
Glasses"), although what she does to deserve this title is never really mentioned, except that she shows off
her "scab in the shape of Texas" in "Eugene's Bike". Still, when the fourth grade girls get
together, nobody minds that Sheena's there, although with Helga and Phoebe being best friends, as well as Rhonda
and Nadine, Sheena is the one left on her own. Not that much has been revealed about her, except that she
has an aversion to violence (mentioned in "School Play") and she can play the cello ("School Dance").
She seems to have a "thing" (for lack of a better word for it) for
Eugene; they seem to be together a lot, and she's happy that Rhonda
predicts (in "Married") that they'll be married someday.
Voice: Francesca Marie Smith
April Fool's Day
Arnold Betrays Iggy [uncredited]
Buses, Bikes, and Subways [uncredited]
Cool Jerk
Cool Party [uncredited]
Curly's Girl
Eugene's Bike
Gerald's Tonsils [uncredited]
Hall Monitor
Harold's Bar Mitzvah
Helga vs. Big Patty [uncredited]
Helga's Makeover [uncredited]
Helga's Show
Olga Gets Engaged
Phoebe Skips [uncredited]
Pre-Teen Scream
Rhonda's Glasses [uncredited]
Save The Tree [uncredited]
School Play
Sid And Germs
The Flood
The Vacant Lot
Sheena's Uncle Earl |
Earl runs a passenger ferrying service (well, sort of) to Elk Island.
Voices: Dan Castellaneta, Craig Bartlett
Dan Castellaneta
Buses, Bikes, and Subways
Crabby Author
The Pig War
Wheezin' Ed
Craig Bartlett
Sheena's Aunt Shelley |
P.S. 118's school nurse.
Voice: Mary Gross
April Fool's Day
Rhonda's Glasses
Sid's Revenge
Season 1
Torvald is good at being a fourth grader; he's been doing it for the past three or
four years (it beats joining his friends in Juvenile Hall).
Voice: Michael Bacall
Tutoring Torvald
Torvald's Mother |
Torvald's mother doesn't expect much from Torvald; whenever he gets a "C"
on something, she puts it on the refrigerator. She's also a checkout clerk at the neighborhood market ("Teachers'
Voice: Dee Dee Rescher
Tutoring Torvald
Wolfgang |
Season 5 |
Wolfgang "runs" the fifth grade, in pretty much the same way that Helga
runs the fourth grade, except that people actually pay attention to Wolfgang rather than just stay away from him.
Supposedly, Wolfgang was created when they discovered between
Seasons 1 and 2 that Toran Caudell's voice had changed to the point
where he couldn't talk like Arnold any more. (This isn't the
only show that has done this; Rocket Power created a new
character - one of Lars' s friends - when the original Sam's voice
Voice: Toran Caudell
Back to School
Chocolate Boy
Cool Party
Dangerous Lumber
Friday the 13th
Grand Prix
Longest Monday
New Bully on the Block
Principal Simmons
Sid And Germs
Synchronized Swimming