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Season 1
Season 3
Arnold Shortman is just your typical nine-year-old fourth-grade (must be close to his 10th
birthday then) kid - "Everykid", as it were. Well, he would be if "Everykid" had a football-shaped
head, an ever-present hat, and an attic room with skylight and remote-controlled furniture.
After Arnold's parents left him with his grandparents before leaving (and never being seen again - at least, before
The Jungle Movie), Arnold lives in their boarding house ("No Kids - Pets OK"). Okay, he's also
a little more laid back and enjoys jazz a little more than your typical fourth-grader, too.
Arnold is named for his mother's father.
There are a few questions about Arnold that remain unanswered:
- How did he get all of the stuff in his room?
- And how does such a small hat stay on such a large head, even when he dives into
a pool with it?
However, some things are known (from "Married"): his favorite number is five,
his favorite color is blue, he plays the harmonica, and he was born on the 7th day of some month.
It was a running gag throughout the series that Arnold's last name was never mentioned; his bus pass had just
"Arnold" as his name, and every time somebody was going to read it, the last name was unreadable, but, as Stinky
put it, he's the only boy in his school named Arnold. However, in The Jungle Movie, his last name is revealed as
Shortman. ("Oh, so that's why Grandpa always called him that!" Never mind that Shortman is his last name as well.)
There was only one story where Arnold did not have a speaking part: "Ms. Perfect".
Voices: Toran Caudell, Phillip Van Dyke, Spencer Klein, Rusty Flood,
Alex Linz
Toran Caudell
24 Hours To Live
6th Grade Girls
Abner Come Home
Arnold As Cupid
Arnold's Christmas
Arnold's Hat
Arnold's Valentine
Coach Wittenberg
Cool Jerk
Crush On Teacher
Das Subway
Door #16
Downtown As Fruits
Eugene's Bike
False Alarm
Field Trip
Four-Eyed Jack
Gerald Comes Over
Hall Monitor
Harold's Bar Mitzvah
Haunted Train
Helga's Boyfriend
Helga's Makeover
Magic Show
Olga Comes Home
Operation Ruthless
Part Time Friends
Pigeon Man
Roughin' It
Runaway Float
Sally's Comet
Spelling Bee
Stoop Kid
Teachers' Strike
The Baseball
The List
The Little Pink Book
The Old Building
The Sewer King
The Vacant Lot
Tour de Pond
Tutoring Torvald
What's Opera, Arnold? (singing)
Wheezin' Ed
World Records
Phillip Van Dyke
Arnold & Lila
Arnold Betrays Iggy
Arnold Saves Sid
Arnold's Halloween
Arnold's Thanksgiving
Arnold's Room
Best Friends
Best Man
Big Caesar
Career Day
Casa Paradiso
Cool Party
Crabby Author
Curly Snaps
Dangerous Lumber
Eating Contest
Eugene Goes Bad
Eugene's Pet
Freeze Frame
Gerald Moves Out
Gerald's Secret
Gerald's Tonsils
Girl Trouble
Grand Prix
Grandpa's Birthday
Harold the Butcher
Harold's Kitty
Helga And The Nanny
Helga Blabs It All
Helga vs. Big Patty
Helga's Love Potion
Helga's Show
Hey Harold!
Longest Monday
Monkey Business
Mr. Hyunh Goes Country
New Teacher
Olga Gets Engaged
Oskar Gets a Job
Parents Day (fourth-grade Arnold)
Phoebe Cheats
Phoebe Takes the Fall
Pre-Teen Scream
Quantity Time
Rhonda's Glasses
Rich Kid
Road Trip
Roller Coaster
Save The Tree
School Dance
School Play
Sid's Revenge
Steely Phil
Stinky Goes Hollywood
The Aptitude Test
The Big Scoop
The Flood
The High Life
The Pig War
What's Opera, Arnold? (speaking)
Spencer Klein
A Day In The Life Of A Classroom
Arnold Visits Arnie
Baby Oskar
Back to School
Bag of Money
Big Bob's Crisis
Big Gino
Big Sis
Buses, Bikes, and Subways
Chocolate Boy
Chocolate Turtles
Curly's Girl
Deconstructing Arnold
Dinner for Four
Dino Checks Out
Egg Story
Ernie in Love
Eugene, Eugene!
Eugene's Birthday
Family Man
Fighting Families
Fishing Trip
Friday the 13th
Full Moon
Gerald vs. Jamie O
Gerald's Game
Ghost Bride
Grandpa's Packard
Grandpa's Sister
Grudge Match
Harold vs. Patty
Headless Cabbie
Helga On The Couch (fourth grade Arnold)
Helga Sleepwalks
Helga's Locket
Helga's Masquerade
Helga's Parrot
Hey Arnold!: The Movie
It Girl
Jamie O In Love
Love And Cheese
Mr. Green Runs
New Bully on the Block
Old Iron Man
On The Lam
Oskar Can't Read?
Phoebe Breaks A Leg
Phoebe Skips
Phoebe's Little Problem
Polishing Rhonda
Principal Simmons
Rhonda Goes Broke
Rich Guy
Sid And Germs
Sid The Vampire Slayer
Stinky's Pumpkin
Stuck In A Tree
Student Teacher
Summer Love
Synchronized Swimming
The Beeper Queen
The Racing Mule
Timberly Loves Arnold
Veterans Day
Weighing Harold
Weird Cousin
Rusty Flood
Helga On The Couch (pre-school Arnold)
Parents Day (baby Arnold)
Alex Linz
April Fool's Day
The Journal
Grandpa (Phil)
Season 1
Arnold's grandfather (and Miles's father) Phil runs the Sunset Arms boarding house, assuming he can get the
boarders to pay the rent, which is no guarantee when you remember that, with the possible exception of Mr. Smith,
none of these people apparently make enough money to be able to live anywhere where they have their own bathroom!
In accordance with the unwritten "everybody in the boarding
house has to have some sort of musical talent" policy, Grandpa
plays the drums (in the movie, at Blockapalooza).
Voice: Dan Castellaneta
24 Hours To Live
Abner Come Home
April Fool's Day
Arnold & Lila
Arnold Betrays Iggy
Arnold Saves Sid
Arnold's Christmas
Arnold's Halloween
Arnold's Hat
Arnold's Room
Arnold's Thanksgiving
Back to School
Bag of Money
Big Caesar
Casa Paradiso
Crabby Author
Dangerous Lumber
Das Subway
Dino Checks Out
Door #16
Eating Contest
Eugene's Pet
Family Man
Field Trip
Fighting Families
Fishing Trip
Four-Eyed Jack
Friday the 13th
Gerald Comes Over
Gerald Moves Out
Gerald's Game
Girl Trouble
Grand Prix
Grandpa's Birthday
Grandpa's Packard
Grandpa's Sister
Grudge Match
Haunted Train
Helga Blabs It All
Helga Sleepwalks
Helga's Locket
Helga's Parrot
Hey Arnold!: The Movie
Mr. Green Runs
Mr. Hyunh Goes Country
Old Iron Man
On The Lam
Oskar Can't Read?
Parents Day
Part Time Friends
Quantity Time
Rhonda Goes Broke
Rich Guy
Roughin' It
Runaway Float
Sally's Comet
Save The Tree
School Dance
School Play
Spelling Bee
Steely Phil
Summer Love
The Baseball
The Flood
The Journal
The List
The Little Pink Book
The Old Building
The Pig War
The Racing Mule
The Sewer King
The Vacant Lot
Timberly Loves Arnold
Tour de Pond
Veterans Day
Weird Cousin
"Young" Phil is voiced by Christopher Walberg in
"Eating Contest" and "Sally's Comet"
(uncredited both times)
Grandma (Gertrude / "Pookie")
Season 1
Grandma is almost never quite sure where she is; it's not out of place for her to
be in jungle fatigues "hunting" mosquitoes. Her choice for an appropriate song at a Christmas party:
"Yankee Doodle Dandy", and according to her, it's just not Thanksgiving without fireworks. The
one time she's "sane" is when everyone else is going insane during a heat wave. On the other hand, she's
pretty good behind that piano, not to mention in the kitchen, and she does have quite a few other talents, even
if she has quite a few personalities to go with them.
Voice: Tress MacNeille
24 Hours To Live
Abner Come Home
April Fool's Day
Arnold's Christmas
Arnold's Halloween
Arnold's Hat
Arnold's Thanksgiving
Back to School
Big Caesar
Casa Paradiso
Das Subway
Family Man
Field Trip
Fighting Families
Friday the 13th
Gerald Comes Over
Girl Trouble
Grandpa's Birthday
Grandpa's Packard
Grandpa's Sister
Helga Blabs It All
Helga Sleepwalks
Helga's Locket
Hey Arnold!: The Movie
Operation Ruthless
Oskar Gets a Job
Parents Day
Rhonda Goes Broke
Save The Tree
Spelling Bee
Summer Love
The Baseball
The Journal
The List
The Old Building
The Vacant Lot
In "Girl Trouble", Francesca Marie Smith voices young
"Gertie" in a flashback
Abner is Arnold's pet pig.
He was a wedding gift to Arnold's parents from the "green-eyed
people" they helped save, even though Grandpa Phil wanted to
barbecue him on the spot. Abner's best talent
seems to be digging out truffles.
Voices: Craig Bartlett, Maurice LaMarche
Craig Bartlett
Family Man
Harold vs. Patty
Helga's Locket
Rhonda Goes Broke
The Journal
The Pig War
Maurice LaMarche
Abner Come Home
Note that uncredited "pig squeals" are not included in the
list - however, more than likely they are voice by Craig Bartlett
Chester |
Chester is one of Arnold's pet pigeons
(he has a couple of others, named Fester and Lester).
Arnold tries to train him to deliver messages, but Chester is
about as good at it as Abner is at tracking...
Craig Bartlett
Pigeon Man
Mitzi |
Mitzi is Grandpa's twin sister (she's older by six minutes). She and Grandpa
stopped talking to each other when their pet dog died - in 1927.
Voice: Phyllis Diller
Grandpa's Sister
Cousin Arnie
Season 4
"Hey." Arnie is Arnold's cousin (just which cousin is never specified).
Arnie is a little werid; his hobbies seem to be counting things, reading ingredient labels, plain-flavored gum,
and collecting lint. Nobody seems to like him - except for Lila, who has fallen in love with his, uh, "charms",
and his new girlfriend at home, Hilda (who bears a striking resemblance to Helga).
Voice: Grant Hoover
Arnold Visits Arnie
Weird Cousin
Miles (Arnold's Father) |
Miles (Phil's only child) was a scientist/doctor
who visited remote parts of the world to help people who didn't
have access to medical help. He didn't have much of a love life,
as he felt that no woman would put up with all of the travel he
had to go through, until he met someone who not only put up with
travel but did quite a bit of it herself - a doctor/botanist
named Stella. However, two or three years after his son Arnold
was born, they had to fly one more mission - and they haven't been heard from since.
Voice: Craig Bartlett
Arnold's Hat
Parents Day
The Journal
Stella (Arnold's Mother) |
Stella was a botanist/doctor who
happened to be in San Lorenzo (as part of an archeology
expedition, apparently) when Miles literally fell into her life.
See the entry for Arnold's father for information on what
happened next.
Stella's father is named Arnold - it's not exactly a
coincidence, as that's who she named Arnold after.
Voices: Tress MacNeille, Antoinette Stella
Tress MacNeille
Arnold's Hat
Antoinette Stella
Parents Day
The Journal
Grandpa's Father
Grandpa's father ran the Sunset Arms "in the old days".
Voice: Dan Castellaneta
Eating Contest
Grandpa's father also speaks in "Sally's Comet", but there was
no credit given
Grandpa's Grandfather
"That's the trouble with our
society - no work ethic!" That's just how Grandpa's
grandfather taught his grandson, just as Grandpa passed it down
to Arnold...
Voice: Dan Castellaneta
Snow |